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Good faith reasons to move with a child after divorce

On Behalf of | Oct 5, 2023 | Child Custody

It can be difficult to move after a divorce if you and your ex have children. This is because your parenting time and child custody rights should have been defined during the divorce. In most cases, parenting time will be split between each person.

But this means that a significant move could disrupt the schedule. If you’re moving to another state, your ex is no longer going to be able to see the children in accordance with the court order. This is why the court can sometimes deny the move or say that you at least cannot take your child away from your ex.

Providing good faith reasons

To get around this issue, you can sometimes provide “good faith” reasons to move. These show that you’re not simply trying to separate your ex from their child, but that you have a valid reason and that the move will improve the child’s life in some way. Examples include:

  • Moving to a college town so that you can continue your education
  • Taking a new job that has been offered to you, which will pay more than your old job
  • Moving to a part of the state or the country that has a better cost of living so that your money goes further
  • Moving closer to extended family members so that they can have a relationship with your child and help raise them

Everyone’s situation is different, but these are the types of reasons that may convince the court to modify the child custody order. Just be sure you know about the legal steps to take to do so, ensuring that you don’t violate your ex’s rights by moving without such a modification being done first.


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