If you are getting married, you have probably thought about whether to get a prenuptial agreement. Many people dislike the idea of prenups because they seem like unromantic contracts that anticipate a divorce. This concept is actually a very new, modern take on...
Month: March 2018
After a divorce, who keeps the ring?
Dividing property is usually a complicated process that involves a lot of back-and-forth negotiation. There is one piece of property that can be especially difficult to deal with: The ring. Wedding rings are more than just symbols of marriage. They are often expensive...
Prepare your post-divorce finances with these tips
Divorce usually takes a huge toll on finances. First, it is a notoriously expensive process. Second, you must figure out how to disentangle your finances from your spouse’s. When the process is over, your personal finances may look totally different than they...
Things you can do to help your kids come to terms with divorce
When you let your children know you were getting divorced, they may have each had different reactions. Perhaps one of your kids stayed in his or her room for a day or so, isolated, away from the rest of the family. Another may have had an emotional outburst, showing...
Child custody is complicated, but do I really need a lawyer?
Any parent who is going through a child custody battle can tell you that it is no walk in the park. Not only is it emotionally challenging for you, your partner and your child, it is a complex legal process that most men and women have never encountered. Some parents...
Is divorce litigation right for me? Part 2
When you are going through a divorce, you must decide which method of divorce is best for you: Mediation, collaborative divorce or litigation. In some situations, mediation or a collaborative divorce will not work and a couple must proceed to trial. While no divorce...