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3 helpful ways to make custody simpler across state lines

On Behalf of | Jan 17, 2022 | Child Custody

After divorcing, you and your ex-spouse were located in the same city and state for a short while. Now, though, you’ve been offered an important opportunity where you could increase your income and boost your career.

Since you share a child together with your ex-spouse, you want them to consider the possibility of allowing your child to go with you to the new state. Your new home will be larger and nearer to a better school. It will be closer to your family, and your child will have more attention than they currently have because of your flexible work schedule. On top of all this, you’ll have better financial security.

If your ex-spouse agrees, then you will need to speak with the court about relocating. Then, you’ll need to put some protections and rules into place to make custody exchanges easier for your child.

  1. When you live far apart, get a firm custody schedule in writing

The first thing you will need to do is to get a firm custody schedule in writing. This will help you know when you need to drive to take your child to the other parent’s home or give your child more information on when they need to take a flight to see the other parent, for example. Having a firm schedule allows your child better peace of mind and gives them information on when they can see the other parent again for certain.

  1. Consider virtual visitation to supplement physical visitation times

Another thing to do is to consider adding virtual visitation time to your child’s custody arrangements. Virtual visitation can be anything from a phone call with the other parent to hosting a video conference while your child performs with the school choir. Keep the other parent involved and make sure your child has enough time to connect with them from afar.

  1. Don’t make custody too complicated

Finally, don’t try to make the custody arrangements too complex. It can be stressful to go back and forth between homes weekly when they’re far apart, especially if the visit is short. Consider plans that give your child time with the other parent without feeling rushed.

These are a few things to do to make intestate custody better for your child. With the right scheduling and custody adjustments, this may work out well for you and them.


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